Moving story.

Not actually a moving story, more a story about moving. Actually, I’m just changing web hosts ?

Having had the address since around 2016, and largely ignoring it until recently, I had no reason to be frustrated by the limitations of a free WordPress account.

Continue reading “Moving story.”

Keywords, Wordroom, and Lightroom.

Possibly due to Google’s algorithms, I’ve been seeing a log of articles on the importance of key wording over they last few weeks. There seems to be a large number of articles that stress the importance of keywords to successful sales of stock photos.

Continue reading “Keywords, Wordroom, and Lightroom.”

Eyeem / Getty, August 2020

Not exactly a stunning month, sold a speaker, a pinned map (which has sold a few times on Adobe) and a few haybales in a field. A bit better than the $0 months but it won’t pay the rent…

Links to Getty: Speakers | Haybales| Pinned Map