Sales are still decreasing, only one through Eyeem / Getty this month and a few through Adobe. Eyeem seems to have been a bit erratic since they put their tiered payment structure in, but it’s more probable that my sales have dropped along with the quality of photos I’m uploading. Garbage in, garbage out ?

Only the keys, grapes, and barbed wire are new sales, the rest are reasonably frequent sellers.
This year is still strange… after lots of sales in January and February I had none in March until the March Getty sales rolled in just a few days ago, very belated. Were yours too late as well or was it just me? Anyway, 5 reasonably priced sales, I am more happy than sad.
Yes, mine were also late. It’s possible that they wanted to ensure the new pricing structure would work without any issues. I just scraped into the 35% bracket but the payment structure doesn’t concern me too much, I like taking the photos and if someone wants to pay ten or fifteen cents for them, we’re both happy! In saying that, I’m hoping April’s sales will be on time and a few more of them!